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Some are written by medics and dieticians, and they all have the same goal towards good health. There are titles on exercising and body-strengthening, exercising without stress, oat bran for cholesterol lowering, books on diet and other useful health and well-being guides.

I bought these books over time to give me the guidance to maintain a positive focus through the many stages,difficulties and complications resulting from Type 1 Diabetes. I have learnt the vital importance of a healthy diet, not just for diabetics, but for everyone, and I have adopted a firm approach to the fundamentals of maintaining a whole food diet, which is high in vitamins and minerals.

This started with eliminating white bread and white potatoes after learning how quickly these effect blood glucose levels. Levels rise rapidly in both the diabetic, and non-diabetic person which can lead to the 4pm lowered blood glucose and the need of a chocolate bar for some people!

White bread is short-acting and leaves the body depleted of the necessary energy to work, usually after just 3 hours. A whole food choice could be wholemeal bread, 5 grain wholemeal bread, or a rye bread, as these sustain the body much longer. Replace the white potato with sweet potato. An excellent reference is 'The G.I. Factor' by Jennie Brand-Miller. I would recommend this and the following titles to anyone interested in their well-being.

My Health Library - List 1

My Health Library - List 2

Ailsa E. Cooper

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