Notes for Rick - August 2009

27 May 09 – Dr B F Cardio unit – Verapamil Hydro. 120mg for Tacchycardia. Several events since then - strong palpitations, breathlessness and weakness. Should I take the full dose 240mg? Stopped Zanidip.

Difficulty having the blood test - hidden veins. Wooziness and fatigue after the test. What other method can be used for a bloodtest?

I am experiencing hypo symptoms at 9-14bgl. This is confusing as I feel I need food, and now I cannot tell whether I am high or low - 2 hrs after breakfast 10.9bgl with spots before the eyes, tingly tongue and sweating after a 13.1bgl at 6am. Several incidences now. What is this?

Two severe lows, one at 3am 2.6bgl and feeling very ill and the other 1.9bgl at 6am - extreme difficulty getting out of bed - no energy.

Lots of readings over 15.0bgl

33 units of insulin a day, 5.6 tests a day.


Ailsa E. C.

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